So Pat over at 4WTextreme posted an alternative to bugger boxes a few months back, Today while looking for some things for my daughter at a craft store, there it was. A clear version of the bugger Box, They had some foam which i glued together with rubber cement to make thicker. Then i glued it into the box with some Zapp. A few stickers and some art from my daughter, and Bam, Streamer Cave... Box, Rubber cement, Foam $13.50 Sweet.
On another note i have started using a new material for the head on the Streamers and i really like it. Its called EZ Bug. Ive really settled in on the way i like to tye it now, Im hoping that a white version will be a Bull Trout slayer this summer, That is my summer goal, Bull Trout, i guess ill be heading north, no reason to stay in Utah now that it anti-fishing state.